National Telemedicine Doctors > Urinary Incontinence (Bladder weakness)
Bulk Billing Doctors’ Availability :
The following two doctors bulk bill, but only during their bulk billing work hours shown below.
If you have a valid Medicare card, we can offer you a bulk billed appointment provided one or more of the following circumstances apply to you –
Click on this link – Bulk Billing Criteria for GP Services to check your eligibility before requesting a bulk billed appointment by email. If you are eligible and you DO wish to request a bulk billed telehealth appointment by email, please click on the link below –
Check your eligibility below –
Unfortunately, due to Medicare regulations, you may not be automatically eligible to have all your General Practitioners’ telehealth services bulk billed, even if you have a valid Medicare card.
Before your bulk billed appointment can be confirmed, we need evidence from you that clearly shows that you are eligible under Medicare’s coverage policies for bulk billing for telehealth services – see the section “Bulk Billing Policy for GP Services” below).
The following two doctors bulk bill, but only during their work hours, as shown below –
If these two doctors’ availability does not suit you and/or you cannot provide evidence of eligibility, you may wish instead to book a paid appointment online (and at any time of your choosing) with any of our other doctors who do not offer bulk billing.
However, if you DO wish to proceed with a bulk billed appointment, please:
If you correctly complete steps 1) and 2) above, we can then offer you a bulk billed appointment (we will confirm the allocated appointment time and doctor’s name via an email to you). You will need to email us back that you have accepted this appointment time- we will then allocate this appointment time to you. The doctor will attend at that allocated time, or if the doctor is unavoidably busy seeing other patients at that time, within an hour of that time.
(Please note that bulk billed appointments are in high demand, and the allocated appointment time we give you may not be available if, in the meantime, it is taken by another patient before we receive your email confirmation; in which case we will be happy to offer you a bulk billed appointment at a different time – subject to the bulk billing doctors’ availability.)
If you book and are confirmed for a bulk-billed appointment, but do not attend the appointment when one of our doctors contacts you, we unfortunately cannot offer you another future bulk-billed appointment.
If you have a valid Medicare card, we can offer you a bulk billed appointment provided one or more of the following circumstances apply to you –